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south carolina bastardy bonds

"Illegitimate Ancestors," Who Do You Think You Are Magazine, accessed July 03, 2018. on June 22, 2015, There are no reviews yet. North Carolina bastardy bonds : Camin, Betty J - Internet Archive Certain cities and counties may have these records on their own websites for the public to use. Archibald by Elizabeth WILLIAMS and Wm. There are record collections (some digitized) and books found on FamilySearch for Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and West Virginia: Cleburne County, Alabama 1884-1950 Miscellaneous loose files Raleigh, North Carolina : Filmed by the North Carolina Division of Archives and History, 1970, High Density: {{copy.hd_shelf}}, {{copy.hd_shelfmark}}. In the 1850 census, Sally Blair would have been over the age of 40 to have Roswell Blair in 1844. 1, March 1990 (I can't explain the absence of 1989 issues) State vs. William WOFFORD/Judah WRIGHT A bond was signed before Saml Lancaster, Justice of the Peace, on March 22, 1804 by William WOFFORD, John WOFFORD Sr. and James WOFFORD in the matter of Judah WRIGHT who had given birth to an illegitimate female. The Genealogy Source Table Collection includes 10 blank, editable source tables for death certificates, city directories, obituaries and funeral programs. ", "Call it a clan, call it a network, all it a tribe, call it a family. Mountain Press and Southern Genealogy Books. This item is available on microfilm at this FamilySearch center. I have been a researcher, writer, lecturer and teacher for over twenty years. Through additional research, Roswell was indeed an illegitimate child, and Nathan Blair took Roswell Elliott in when he was young. Attention: This site does not support the current version of your web browser. The microfilm may have been scanned, but have a contractual, data privacy, or other restriction preventing access. -Unknown, "If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you might as well make it dance!" Alamance, Alexander, Alleghany, Anson, Ashe, Bertie, Brunswick, Buncomb, Burke, Bute, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Camden, Carteret, Caswell, Catawba, Chatham, Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, Cleveland, Craven, Cumberland, Granville, Moore, New Hanover, Rowan, Rutherford, Surry, and Wake. WOFFORD.The mother was Elizabeth WILLIAMS, a widow, who had given birth to two illegitimate children.One was born on December 20, 1809 and another on June 25, 1812.William WOFFORD was named as the father of both children. Sometimes it is not plainly stated, but oftentimes analyzing each record and using them together will make one capable of making a conclusion. In this latter case, then you have to search until you find something. Mountain Press and Southern Genealogy Books, Downloadable PDF file, Betty J. Depending on the area, each apprentice record could be different. Ive taken back reclaimed some of that lost memory, especially that of my enslaved ancestors. October 21, 2017, accessed July 07, 2018. Microfilm of originals in the North Carolina State Division of Archives and History in Raleigh, North Carolina. Another case is when the mother chooses to keep the child born out of wedlock. - Jane Howard, "Friends are God's apologies for relations." United States & Canada 2nd Floor Film. It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl. Just take me to the search page . Currituck Co., NC Bastardy Bonds 1830 - 1871 . Vol. Slavery's reach is still with us, and part of the gift of doing African-American genealogy, "The past is not dead. United States, Freedmen's Bureau Labor Contracts, Indenture and Apprenticeship Records, 1865-1872 Sometimes family members can be appointed to be the childs guardian, and it will be included in guardianship records in the county. It is not likely that your ancestor will be found in all these records. It is also possible that it would include the word illegitimate alongside the birth information. Lancaster, J. P. by Polly WOFFORD, Samuel SHEARBUT and James WOFFORD.The mother was Polly WOFFORD who had given birth to an illegitimate male. Through Reclaiming Kin, I share tips on genealogy skillbuilding for all genealogists, and on researching slavery and the enslaved. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one", "Friends are God's apologies for relations. Commissioners of the Roads, Lexington District (S.C.). She was examined under oath and asked to declare the name of the childs father. People also had kids with other people while they were married to someone else. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). So, what are bastardy bonds? Commissioners of the Poor. Bastardy Bonds and Records, 1735-1966 - State Archives of North Search the history of over 797 billion If you are researching in North Carolina, then the North Carolina Bastardy Bonds may be of great help in your research. North Carolina 1736-1957 Bastardy bonds and records, Cleburne County, Alabama 1884-1950 Miscellaneous loose files, Chatham County, Georgia 1890-1950 Miscellaneous bonds (bastardy etc), Tattnall County, Georgia 1801-1870 loose papers, Jefferson County, Tennessee Maintenance (bastardy) 1807-1857), Nineteenth century Tennessee: adoptions, legitimations, and name changes, Pendleton County, West Virginia 1866-1925 bonds (including bastardy), Findmypast.com - Apprentices in Education and Work, United States, Freedmen's Bureau Labor Contracts, Indenture and Apprenticeship Records, 1865-1872, District of Columbia 1812-1893 Indentures of apprenticeship, Washington County, District of Columbia 1802-1811 Indentures of apprenticeship recorded in the Orphans Court, Burke County, Georgia 1867-1919 Indenture and apprenticeship records, Allen County, Indiana 1824-1912 Business records including apprenticeships, Todd County, Kentucky 1820-1888 Indentures of apprenticeship, Carroll County, Mississippi freedmen apprenticeship records, New Madrid County, Missouri 1810-1910 apprenticeship bonds containing names of heirs, Fredericksburg, Virginia Apprentice Records, http://www.moonfleetonline.co.uk/history/illegitimacy/, https://lisalisson.com/2017/10/16/how-to-research-your-illegitimate-ancestors, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=Illegitimacy_in_the_United_States&oldid=4742210. Information includes the names of the parents (Mary Masters and Henry Sims), amount of the bond ($250.00), conditions of the bond, date, and signatures of involved parties VII, No. What was their life really like? Allen County, Indiana 1824-1912 Business records including apprenticeships -Unknown, "Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city;)" 7537377. -Elbert Hubbard, "Families are like fudge; mostly sweet with a few nuts." A camera icon indicates items that are digitally available online. VII, No. 2 (1985): 174. doi:10.2307/2712897. These require Microsoft Word and a Windows platform. An illegitimate child can be recognized in birth records and when they seem out of place in the census records. Search Tips: Use AND, OR, NOT, and ( ) to narrow or broaden your search: "expenditures, public" and "county finances" [narrows search to records having both terms] "political ethics" or "misconduct in office" [broadens search to records having either term] ; marriage not license [narrows search to records having the first term but not the second] The "Bastardy Bonds" of North Carolina contains bonds posted because of the birth or impending. 20 August 2022, 1-3:30 pm [PAST EVENT], Eastern Standard Time: Join me for a two-hour lecture and workshop on Using Deed Records. Anything that happens now alsohappened in the past. Value? Sims, Henry, of Anderson District (S.C.). Cohabitation bonds and records document the efforts of freedmen to register and legalize their marital status with the county after emancipation at the end of the Civil War. Performance & security by Cloudflare. State vs. Mary BETTERTON and John C. COOK A bond was signed before James Hamm, J.Q., on September 12, 1820, by John C. COOK, James HEWATT, George WOFFORD and William COOK.The mother, Mary BETTERTON, had given birth to an illegitimate male on July 1, 1819.The father named was John C. COOK " a married man now but then single".Commissioners for the Poor were John Crocker, Smith Lipscomb, William Young, Joseph Camp. The WOFFORD family is totally over-represented here! The idea of illegitimacy usually comes from oral histories. That gives us two people to add to Dennis clusterthey are likely close friends or family members. Bastardy bonds, 1837 | WorldCat.org I love to hear from my readers. In some cases it was found that the mother and reputed father . Otherwise, the child would become a ward of the local poor house and be an expense to the government. This event is $25. "While African-American genealogical research in many ways is like all genealogical research, the era of slavery makes the task especially challenging. Commissioners of the Roads, Union District (S.C.). Sallie, Parker, Cynthia, and Mildred all received ditto marks for their last name. Information includes the names of the parents (Mary Masters and Henry Sims), amount of the bond ($250.00 . I am an engineer by day, but my true passion lies in genealogy. At your request I have finally made available for viewing past popular webinars! South Carolina Surety Bonds | Lance Surety Bonds Lets look at the situation a little bit before we jump to conclusions. This lifelong quest has helped me to better know my familys past. Another clue that a child is illegitimate is if the child has the mothers maiden name given in the record instead of the fathers surname. The record will need to be further analyzed and used with other records to learn more about the childs parents. The South Carolina Department of Insurance requires brokers to post a $10,000 insurance broker bond. 13,000 places. These require Microsoft Word and a Windows platform. It reminds me of that old phrase, Mothers baby, daddys. Click to reveal Item 1. FamilySearch makes every effort to enable access dependent on decisions of record custodians and applicable laws. Some FamilySearch centers and affiliate libraries maintain collections of previously loaned microfilms or microfiche. Examples: Baptized William Smith, son of Sara Smith and the reputed son of William Brown., This means that William Brown admits the child is his (or it has been proved to be his. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW! Robyn N. Smith, [insert post title], Reclaiming Kin (https://reclaimingkin.com: accessed [insert date you read the post]), [insert the date the post was written]. Since illegitimate children often did not obtain inheritance, there is a possibility that the child may be mentioned in wills that they were a natural or base-born child. It is more likely that the fathers name would not be included in the birth record if the child was illegitimate. Bonds - MunicipalBonds.com Municipalbonds.com Go Premium for Free Log In Home News Market Activity Screener Education Bond Insurance My Bonds Invest In Munis A nosy neighbor? Wilkes County, North Carolina Bastardy Bonds 1871-1883 Microfilm Roll C.104.10002 1999, Faye Jarvis Moran, Alexandria, Virginia. Collections Examples (indexed and non-indexed): Findmypast.com - Apprentices in Education and Work Chatham County, Georgia 1890-1950 Miscellaneous bonds (bastardy etc) Some are indexed. This item is available on microfilm at this FamilySearch center. No superior alternative has yet been found. VII, No. ), Baptized William Smith, son of Sarah Smith and the imputed son of William Brown., This means that William Brown does not accept the child as his.[4]. If the father does not help financially or is not in the picture, the mother could have had a hard time supporting her children. ", "No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished? Depending on the circumstances and time period of the parents, an illegitimate child could end up in orphan records. Bastardy bonds are not always available depending on the area but can be a good resource. In some cases, the record coverage may be very low and may not have any records to look through. The series continued but I don't have any more issues. This series consists of a bastardy or indemnity bond taken against the parents of an illegitimate child as insurance against that child becoming a charge of the district. L 54001 Pinckney District (S.C.). Add to Print List Notes Certain phrases could be found in christening records that reveal their illegitimacy. Bastardy bonds, 1873-1878 - FamilySearch Betty Jo Camin and Edwin A. Camin. A camera icon indicates items that are digitally available online. Now if we reach this point, then we have to dig a lot deeper into the lives of our ancestors. All of them are alive in this moment. As the child is sometimes call, a Woods Colt, Old Field Colt or just illegitimate. The following North Carolina counties are. For descendants, I would add the substantial emotional impact of seeing an ancestor's name attached to a dollar value, or being valued in a list with silverware and cattle. https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/lett/2269/, https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/lett/2519/, https://www.genealogy.com/articles/research/52_donna.html, https://lisalisson.com/2017/10/16/how-to-research-your-illegitimate-ancestors/, http://www.whodoyouthinkyouaremagazine.com/tutorials/miscellaneous/illegitimate-ancestors. 26 September 2021 [PAST EVENT]: Acclaimed genealogist Melvin Collier and I will be presenting an all-new 2-hour lecture titled More Than Just Names: Incorporating Social and Community History Into Your Research from 1:00-3:30 EST (please note it is Eastern Standard Time). A bond was signed on March 25, 1826, before James Hammett, Justice of the Quorum, by Alexander PREWETT, Isaac WOFFORD Jr. and John WOFFORD.The case involved Clarendy BETTERTON "now Clarindy RAMPLEY, wife of William RAMPLEY".Clarendy had given birth to an illegitimate male, born on October 15, 1818. Washington County, District of Columbia 1802-1811 Indentures of apprenticeship recorded in the Orphans Court Just remember, you are not responsible for your ancestors life style, you are only searching for information. October 1, 2019. A service provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In the comments, my readers, tell me in what other states you have seen these records? Commissioners of the Poor, Anderson District (S.C.). Illogical Dates, Missing Parents, Bastardy Bonds: What to Do If Your The microfilm may be scheduled for future scanning. College, Advanced AA Gen. Class, September 2009, Alice, Robyn and Lajoye, CM AAHGS, September 2017, Robyn and Andrea, NGS Conference, May 2014, I make extensive use of tables for organization, analysis and citation in my research, and they have proven very popular with genealogists. PINCKNEY DISTRICT Clerk of Court . It is a good reason to speculate and research further if a story is passed down that an ancestor was either adopted or illegitimate. I hope youll sign up to receive my postsif you do, youll get a free PDF with some of my favorite tips! Additionally, Family Search now has North Carolina Bastardy Bonds for most NC counties digitized and available online.

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