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i am an indigo child now what

Indigo children have advanced emotions. They are so attuned to inner-self that every feeling that bubbles to the surface feels more potent than it does for others. Im obsessed with that true indigo color- cant get over it! Its like they cant teach you the life. I am a Light Worker. Familiar with Doreen Virtue. Since the first of the Indigos were thought to arrive around 1958, many are now in their sixties. Your challenge is to let your years catch up to you. Learning Mind does not provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It was great a few years ago when I first heard the term Indigo. Sign up today to get weekly science coverage direct to your inbox. Just know that you should always trust your intuition and everything that you face and see was just meant for you. They are resistant to authority . Every rule, belief, structure, and institution will be questioned and ruthlessly challenged by the indigo child this trait is truly unusual and extraordinary. Are you intuitive, headstrong and perceived as strange, antisocial and wise beyond your years? In their environment, they wantblue and purple colors and enjoy slow music. Do you think you are one of the same? Could I really be an Indigo Child? This same sensitivity to the feelings of others causes problems in situations where there may be conflict. Is your child frustrated with ritual-oriented systems that require little creativity? You honor truth above all, and even though it hurts sometimes, youd rather cope with it than believe lies. You are very confident in yourself and know that you were brought to this world for a reason. You may get confused between the Crystal and Indigo child. You can learn more about how to better utilize these gifts by studying yournumerology. Despite having some different indigo child traits, all indigo children feel an urge to make things better for humanity. Without any religious traditions. Indigo Children are according to Wikipedia a New Age Concept that was developed by Nancy Ann Tappe and further developed by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. As an adult, you still cannot stand being boxed in or controlled by others. True to their nature, though, they find a way around it. Continue reading. Indigo people (include children, teenagers and adults). Its natural that people as open-minded as indigo children would be interested in topics most people are closed to. You challenge ideas and beliefs as none is too sensitive or sacred to analyze. Indigos are easily identified by a distinct indigo color in their aura. Indigo Child Definition. How To Come Out as an Indigo Child - Indigo Children Indigos are "vigilant about cleaning the earth of social ills and corruption, and increasing integrity, Virtue said. For each of the indigo generations, the process of awakening begins aroundthe age of 28-29 yearsand lasts about 7.5 years. So far so standard but for some believers in the concept, things didnt stop there. The 3 energy is that of truth seeker and finder and of the Activist . There's a very good chance your child is an Indigo if he/she was born after 1992. 14. In addition, indigo children are blessed with psychic abilities, and they have a unique perspective on the world. Felt spiritually apart. As a child or teenager, you may have been thought of as naughty, obnoxious, disobedient, and contrarian. Indigo children are souls present on earth now to help realign humanity with our authentic truth as multidimensional, spiritual beings. Figuring out that I am an Indigo Child was . Based on New Age concepts developed in the 1970s, Indigo children are thought to be divine creatures with supernatural powers who were sent here from God/Universe/Zuul/fill-in-the-blank to upgrade life as we know it. Are you an Indigo Child? - Quora This post may contain affiliate links. I never felt comfortable doing so, but I read your post and felt compelled to write you. EYE AM so happy to see i am not alone it has been confirmed as of yesterday that eye indeed am an Indigo child, even more interesting that i was born in 1977.. Star Children: Are You an Indigo, Crystal, or Rainbow Child? If you have found any comfort, support or guidance in our work, please consider donating: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'd like to receive your latest weekly newsletter! I realized that my soul had been facing inward, I think for protection from my scary father, and suddenly at age 26 I was facing outward. Indigo Child Traits: 21 Telltale Signs You Are One - The Spirit Nomad xx. This does not mean that every child with ADD is an Indigo child. Welcome! They're all SO cool! The compassion you feel for others, when directed inward will ignite the Light. Also always remember the golden rule LOVE LOVE LOVE! You have the ability to tell when someone is being truthful and when someone is telling lies or hiding the truth. When I follow it, I end up receiving data downloads there. Love you all! Your high level of empathy and compassion means that you often struggle with anxiety or depression. You dont inherently respect authority. The primary role of the indigo child seems to revolve around exposing truth and deception. Until they learn how to shield themselves they will have a tendency to absorb and take on the energies that are around them. However, without forgetting love. That is good. Heavy, right? It may be a correct diagnosis for some, but for others it may just be about our inability to accept new ways of thinking. Children born between 1998 and 2008 belong to the so-called Omega indigo generation. One indigo child trait that is very obvious is the desire to alter the accepted wisdom in a bid to make everything better. To stay grounded, try practicing mindful breathing. I have a bad habit of bringing out insecurities, jealousy, envy, vindictiveness and negative behaviours in low level frequency people. Indigo children are a group of special children identified byNancy Ann Tappe in the 70s. It is backed up by something called colorology, also known as color psychology or chromotherapy. This is a very special place. One of the longest lessons Ive had in this life is to believe in myself and to never give another power over you simply because you feel they know the deal better than you. Indigos are known for their anti-establishment leanings and their drive to see the old ways overturned and a new, better path forged. Regularly spend time in nature to unwind and regain balance. Indigo children are often said to possess a strong intuition. As a result, indigo children are often labeled as rebellious, and so they get into trouble quite often. Indigo children is a New Age concept assigning special psychological characteristics to certain children. At their core, indigo children are wired to improve life for humanity. This desire to bring the truth to light seems to be written into the indigo childs DNA. As precocious truth tellers, child and adult indigos cant help but see through the bullshit facades of other people and expose them. Do you recognise indigo child traits within yourself? Nancy Tappe identified four different types of indigos. [Read More]. She is the author of hundreds of popular articles, as well as numerous books and journals on the topics of Self-Love, Spiritual Awakening, and more. 2. 17. The life mission of indigo children is to make the world a better place. You feel a divine urge to create change in the existing status quo, especially when the status quo tends towards injustice and unfairness. Its Me, MargaretThe Classic Banned Book Is Finally Getting Made Into AMovie, Signs Youre A Toxic Person (And How To Fixit! A lot of strange things continue to happen. Welcome to The Spirit Nomad! Rainbow Children. No matter what you face, where you may be misleaded you will still get back to what you were meant to do. 11. 133 Comments. She showed m the reading that she sees normally (for 35 years), and said , You see? Light worker- Star seed- Indigo Child on Instagram: "How tall do you Since 2019 Ive realized my purpose of this incarnation, which is two thingshelping the homeless and cleanup (litter collection) outside of regular light work, smiling and and sending love centered thought waves at these trolls around me, Im just having a hard time getting situated rn. 3. What's An Indigo Child? What You Need to Know About This New Age Term Because I refused my gift when I was younger I am trying to reconnect with it. I have a delta son (92) and an omega son (01). I am 17. It's driven me crazy! I know who I am, I havent regained my memories or anything yet but I have had dreams where I was just other people in different lives and I have experienced intuition that goes beyond explanation. Enabling us to protect ourselves; as well as allowing others to see the, Light.. If anyone can help me fast forward asap please contact me. Making the average person feel intimidated and feeling like they can never reach my level of perfection and how easy i make it look. I am a Omega Indigo, I was born 2006 and have seen and heard voices from a young age. Indigo children are sensitive, curious, independent, open-minded and artistic. Sure, youd love to be rich, but if you have enough money to pay your bills and live comfortably, you arent the kind of person who NEEDS to have more than that. Good luck to us both! We spend hundreds of hours every month writing, editing and managing this website. I dont know if its physically or mentally, or both. My delta found his calling, he finished his masters Degree and will create therapy plans and work with kids on the spectrum. I am an Alpha, Indigo. This has been a challenging for sure eventbut an extremely wonderful and blessed one because I finally am seen, known and see and know. This generation won't, unless we drug them into submission with Ritalin.. Youve been this way from a young age and have always felt like youve established a connection with something spiritually deep. Indigo people have a special way about them, a sense of being very intelligent in many fields, but do not brag about their intelligence. do you remember what you did when you were younger in order to stay focused if you know what i mean ? Some . I don't know statistic HTML5 version Quiz change Report illegal content Create your own quiz Add to your website The amazing thing is I can do anything once I see it done, although I read and study incessantly, I learn best by doing I also have a photographic memory when it comes to to names and numbers once I have seen them. or even just that theyre a bit imaginative and weird. There are no studies.. 1. As an indigo child, you tend to ask questions such as Why do we suffer? What is the meaning of life? Why is there injustice? Why was I born? Such deep philosophical questions cause you to lose interest in the meaningless pursuits carried out by the majority of humanity. Indigo Child Signs Indigo Adults Traits Delta Indigo Child I had deja vu experiences as a child and was extremely close to nature. Are You An Indigo Child? - AllTheTests Namaste. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, this means whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, we receive a small percentage of its price at no extra cost to you. Inner Child Test: What is S/he Trying to Tell You? What Are Indigo Children? 9 Traits of Old Souls in a Young Bodies According to Nancy Ann Tappe, the self-proclaimed synesthete (more on that later) who invented the concept, indigo children are a group of "highly evolved" individuals, all of whom share certain psychological traits that mark them as existing outside maybe even above the norm. According to Tappe, the period of the awakening of the Alpha generation was from 1986 until 1996. Indigo Children: What are Indigo Children and Why are they Here? There were many reasons for that, not least of which was improved diagnosis and more easily available drugs a number of patents for mental health treatments happened to run out in the early 2000s, making them suddenly a hell of a lot cheaper for those who needed them. A light worker if it must have a name. As a survivor of fundamentalist religious abuse, her mission is to help others find love, strength, and inner light in even the darkest places. The youngest are Crystal Children which are about seven and under, but . How do you know if you are one? Our core mission is to empower lost seekers to find the path back to their Souls by guiding them toward clarity, self-acceptance, and a deeper sense of meaning and purpose on the spiritual awakening journey. Routine and stereotypes become a problem for you. Do you have any suggestions on what an Omega might need to assist with the future? i think i have been really mindswiped for a reason. I mention this to very few and they dont seem very interested. Ive given them lots of information about a lot of belief systems so they can come to their own conclusions organically. Lesson 1 Reclaiming Your Indigo Power | Inside Matters Talk All Rights Reserved. Because of their headstrong and freethinking nature, such children are often feared, misunderstood, and therefore medicated at young ages. Viewed through this lens, indigo children can be seen as just another reaction against the idea that your special little guy or gal could be anything less than perfect. Indigo Children: New Age Trend or Undiagnosed ADHD? This intuition often manifests itself as a gut feeling about people or situations. Indigo, Crystal, & Starseed Children Characteristics | Gaia Our nectar is found in a different flower though, Im not going to claim what I am, I know I am unique and freakishly good at everything I have a go at mastering tasks in an extremely quick timing. Indigo children are identified because they are born with more empathy than past generations. As an indigo child, you may notice that you have been blessed with rare gifts even as a child. Many of these traits are unique to indigo children, while some may not apply to specific individuals. I have always been a game changer and have always found more efficient ways to do things while training other people 8n ways that they could understand in a language they get. Are you intuitive, headstrong and perceived as "strange", "antisocial" and "wise beyond your years"? Indigo Children - The Types, What They Are And Their Soul Purpose Blessings to all. Its how psychics and mediums make their livelihood; its why astrology is still way more popular than you might think; and according to indigo skeptics, its why so many people out there feel justified in their indigo diagnosis. Hopefully more and more people wake up and realise that we need to heal eachother through love and compassion. This is the first generation with the minimum protective shield. Even if other people criticize or dont support you, you still keep going no matter what. Mcdonalds parking lot, closed at midnight and I sat there after going through drive apparently parked took a bite and lights out i logically figured it was 5-6pm. Indigo Children Traits: 13 Signs You're an Indigo Child | Gaia While indigo children are known for being obstinate and rebellious sometimes, it is interesting that quite a number of them are nature lovers. why is that? So allow us to quash those misgivings: the indigo child concept relies entirely on one womans assertion that she could see mystical colors emanating around kids bodies. Indigo children are so named because of a distinct indigo tint in their aura. I am also a great manifestor. These are the primary ones who will bring us the enlightenment to ascend. Don't buy this crap. You seem to understand people almost too well at times, even when they have provided very limited information about themselves. It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. As a result of your eager and curious mind, you are imaginative and unconventional. Do they have a certain energy about them? Indigo children are usually aware of the indigo soul mission. Indigo Children's Traits, Characteristics, & Test Indigo Children is a topic that many people regard as a myth. I have always been so sensitive with different food and especially candy, cakes, potatochips which has made my stomach hurt alot. Your nonconformist brain loves to express itself through art and creativity. Also referred to as a crystal or star child, an indigo child is a person who has come into this world destined to create change and spiritually awaken humanity. Unfortunately, some other indigo child traits cause indigo children to undergo periods of turmoil, especially in their childhood and adolescence. Theyavoid crowded placesand anything that causes nervousness. They love learning about other explanations for the world around them, knowing how incomplete our current answers are. What Are Indigo Children? Very often, Indigo children are misdiagnosed withADDandADHD as children. Although you may not readily admit this, you tend to feel a deep resentment towards people who make it difficult for you to reach your dreams. 17 Rare Indigo Children Traits | YourTango It is frustrating not having anyone to share experiences with or talk about things with. You cry when movies are sad and belly laugh when they are funny. 5. To think so narrowly shows your prejudice towards those who are not as young as you. Colorology assigns meanings to specific colors and also refers to their use for therapeutic purposes.. I had a sort of awakening at a young age when i realized one day that maybe I wasnt suppose to fit into this world and its rules,that maybe i was born and designed for something better and greater than me or anyone elses understanding or that something will happen and i will be included when that thing would happen and the world will slowly shape back to what it use to be or something like that. Intelligence is part of their personality from birth. Their aura was seen as dark blue and green with purple shades. I feel left out lol, when will i get my consciousness back. They love to hear about religions and spiritual practices of all kinds, but its very rare for one to adopt a rigid practice of their own. The Indigo Children is a book by Lee Carroll, a channeler for an entity he calls Kryon, and his wife Jan Tober . There is so much to tell but do not know where to begin. As a stubborn rebel, you dont conform to other peoples ideas of how things should be. Tappe claims that autism in children is a way of self-protection from the attack and neurosis of the outside world. You have a feeling you are special in some way but not in a narcissistic way. Youre more mature than most people your age. Thats another big criticism leveled at those who promote the indigo child concept: the so-called indigo characteristics are so broad, and so generalizable, as to apply to just about anybody. Very few will get it anyway. My aura reader always sees my energy as dark green and blue, almost indigo, which makes sense, as that is teaching & healing and peaceful energy. Take our free Indigo Child Test to discover your unique percentage score! You May Get Have a wisdom and level of caring beyond their youthful experience Have a wisdom and level of caring beyond their youthful experience Emotionally they can be reactive and may have problems with anxieties, depression or temper rages if not energetically What Kind Of Lightworker Am I: Indigo, Crystal Or Rainbow? What is an Indigo Child? | BabyCenter Youve always had a strong desire to understand how things work. I just learned of indigo children today, and from the few articles Ive read so far, I definitely feel its possible that I am one. Something that helps me is meditation, thats what I used to do when I was scared or when I was afraid but with time I have learnt to become one. Until then, this person had enough time to finally learn totrust their psychic powerswithout being startled or trying to share their experiences with others. They seem to just "know" things, even when there is no logical explanation for how they could have acquired that knowledge. 92 Comments. While idealism can be a positive trait, it can also carry disadvantages such as being overly critical or demanding. She is a deep thinking introvert who writes about human behavior and personality, the nature of introversion, the concept of belonging, and social anxiety, hoping to help those who struggle with similar issues as she does. Indigo children are incredibly open-minded. In these encounters you will come to know and understand yourself more deeply. Signs of a Rainbow Child - Psychic Elements Maybe you just know someone who is part of the Indigo generations. 12. It is as my conscious has opened up with the phlegm leaving my body. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thank you. While all labels and concepts used to describe the ego are illusory constructs of the mind, finding a sense of affinity with the indigo child label is extremely beneficial. My journey started then and keeps going.

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